Hungappa - 2004, Term 3, Week 3

Hungappa - 2004, Term 3, Week 3.pdf
Hungappa - 2004, Term 3, Week 3, p. 19.pdf


Hungappa - 2004, Term 3, Week 3








Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus, NSW


Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC)


Editorial 2004 - Natasha Roussel;
Bums up, Bums down;
Rivcolls Free Weekly Brekky;
Three martyrs - Sterling Morale;
Tips on writing a good resume - n/a;
Yoga - Shaun Canning;
Monks, meditation and uni life - n/a;
Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM);
Go ape;
Men want the Bond girl: does she exist? - Valentina Zarew;
Burning Bridget Jones diary - n/a;
How do you like to do it? - n/a;
Ah, women - Clint Newstead;
What you wanted to know, but were too embarrassed to ask about thrush - Emily Watts;
Know your food - Valentina Zarew;
One more cheapest ski trip ever;
What is a modern feminist? - Belinda Stafford;
Women in Islam: Part 1 - n/a;
Mirror - Amanda West;
Stepping into yoga - n/a;
Orientation week 2005;
Behind closed doors: The reality of pap smears - n/a;
Women in sport - n/a;
Student discounts;
Meet the Rivcoll Board;
Women and low self esteem - n/a;
No to pap smear could equal yes to cancer: Will this be your answer - n/a;
Pulling your hair out? Going bald? Your’re not alone - n/a;
Uni Games on field results - n/a;
Ag Netball report - n/a;
Jebediah coming to Rivcoll - n/a;
Nurse and middies cub family day - n/a;
Warriahs dinner write up - Russell;
Pharmers’ netball - n/a;
W.A.C report - Trevor Fosdyke;
Club Bachelor of Business (Bob) - Financially Bob;
Clubs calendar;
Hockey ducks - Cadbury;
Whats on this week


Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus student publication


Copyright Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC). Used with permission.

Original Format

Physical Magazine


Unknown, “Hungappa - 2004, Term 3, Week 3,” Charles Sturt University Regional Archives Digital Gallery, accessed February 23, 2025,