Hungappa - 2006, Term 1, Week 5
Hungappa - 2006, Term 1, Week 5
Editor: Heidi Varis, Josie Maltravers; Layout Design: Sharron Sharrock
Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus, NSW
Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC)
Editorial - Josie;
Editorial - Heidi Varis;
Presidents report - Pat Flynn;
Bums up bums down;
Eugene! - Lin Lane;
The true meaning of the games of the Commonwealth - n/a;
Enjoying summer the Vietnam: Part two - n/a;
Casual vacancy - Rivcoll board;
Leg’s 11’s top eleven: Gold medal prospects in the Commonwealth games;
Sam’s word of the week;
Optimism - n/a;
Go ape;
The big boobie question - Bernie;
University Theatre Ensemble (UTE): The five o’clock wave - n/a;
Agony phantom: An investigation into who actually cares about the commonwealth games - n/a;
Lessons learnt the hard way: The perils of bringing home defence boys - Gertrude and Petunia;
What’s the go with this song: Rogue traders: Watching you - n/a;
Bushsows - Oink Oink;
Bushpigs - Dennis;
Hockey ducks - Scars;
Rivcoll tennis report - n/a;
VSA report - n/a;
Ag netball report - Nicole;
What’s on
Editorial - Heidi Varis;
Presidents report - Pat Flynn;
Bums up bums down;
Eugene! - Lin Lane;
The true meaning of the games of the Commonwealth - n/a;
Enjoying summer the Vietnam: Part two - n/a;
Casual vacancy - Rivcoll board;
Leg’s 11’s top eleven: Gold medal prospects in the Commonwealth games;
Sam’s word of the week;
Optimism - n/a;
Go ape;
The big boobie question - Bernie;
University Theatre Ensemble (UTE): The five o’clock wave - n/a;
Agony phantom: An investigation into who actually cares about the commonwealth games - n/a;
Lessons learnt the hard way: The perils of bringing home defence boys - Gertrude and Petunia;
What’s the go with this song: Rogue traders: Watching you - n/a;
Bushsows - Oink Oink;
Bushpigs - Dennis;
Hockey ducks - Scars;
Rivcoll tennis report - n/a;
VSA report - n/a;
Ag netball report - Nicole;
What’s on
Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus student publication
Copyright Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC). Used with permission.
Original Format
Physical Magazine
Editor: Heidi Varis, Josie Maltravers; Layout Design: Sharron Sharrock, “Hungappa - 2006, Term 1, Week 5,” Charles Sturt University Regional Archives Digital Gallery, accessed March 4, 2025,