Hungappa - 2008, Term 2, Week 8

Hungappa - 2008, Term 2, Week 8.pdf


Hungappa - 2008, Term 2, Week 8




Editor: A.J De Ville; Hungi Committee: Emily Nuck, Kai Zauner, Heidi Varis, Emily Dibben, Maikha Ly, Ryan Darnley, Elsbeth Zeegers, Iain Wright; Layout & Design: Rivcoll SRC




Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus, NSW


Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC)


From the editor - A.J De Ville;
Bum’s Up Bum’s Down;
Eugene! - Lin Lane;
From the president’s desk - Elizabeth Eyles;
The Univeristy Theatre Ensemble (UTE): Arabian nights;
Girls power hour @ the gym;
Hungappa articles;
Poets corner;
Daytime Tv - Average movie goer;
Memories of the eternal - n/a;
Puzzle page;
To the writer of ‘Art or Porn’ - Tumbleweed;
SFSF Gst refund - n/a;
Ecoactive vs. The rock;
Attetionarl international students;
Darwin awards - Darwin devotee;
Views and reviews in review - n/a;
Petrol and you: Part 2 - Stingy Asian guy;
Jokes page;
Country pubs: Victoria hotel (The one in Benalla, Vic, not our one!) - Pub goer;
What to so if someone overdoes?;
My account of procrastination: Part 2 - Essay yasse;
I’m writing in response to Broke Arts Student from hungappa - the Cranky Critic;
Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull - n/a;
Eugene! - Lin Lane;
What were the main effects of the ‘Vietnam syndrome’ on media coverage of the Gulf War in 1991?’ - n/a;
7 and the ragged tiger - The Platter-spinner;
Say goodbye to the sticky smelly carpet;
Poker night: Photos;
Whaddaya reckon?;
Money in today’s society - n/a;
Ahhhhhh! - Alice Liddel;
Dodgeball for all students;
Last chance to enter east coast challenge;
Christian Fellowship - Grace;
This is last week’s VSA report - I’m drunk;
Pharmers report - n/a;
WAC report - n/a;
WAC rugby - Trevor Fosdyke and Ramone Wackleberry;
What’s on?


Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus student publication


Copyright Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC). Used with permission.

Original Format

Digital Magazine


Editor: A.J De Ville; Hungi Committee: Emily Nuck, Kai Zauner, Heidi Varis, Emily Dibben, Maikha Ly, Ryan Darnley, Elsbeth Zeegers, Iain Wright; Layout & Design: Rivcoll SRC , “Hungappa - 2008, Term 2, Week 8,” Charles Sturt University Regional Archives Digital Gallery, accessed March 5, 2025,

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