Hungappa - 2009, Term 2, Week 4

Hungappa - 2009, Term 2, Week 4.pdf


Hungappa - 2009, Term 2, Week 4




Editor: Jack Carpenter; Editorial Posse: Rivcoll SRC; Layout and Design: Rivcoll SRC, Jackie Boy




Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus, NSW


Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC)


From the editor - Jackie Boy;
Positions vacant for student representatives;
Bum’s Up Bum’s Down;
Cultivated…your regional culture guide;
Letters end…aka, what to do with your Thursday - n/a;
The seed: A dynamic adventure for the heart;
Poet’s corner;
Count dorky in: It made me nerd rage - n/a;
Lost - n/a;
Eating disorders support group - n/a;
Dear drunk self - Sober self;
Dear sober self - Drunk self;
Tight and bright: Photos;
The funness of theatre sports - Harlequin;
Views and reviews - Witty Phantom;
Behind the curtain theatre company presents Theatre games - n/a;
For your amusement presents;
Top five - n/a;
Business club;
The designer chronicles: Act II - n/a;
Faker interview - n/a;
Do you need advice and support with academic appeals?;
Five-star film review: Defiance - The five-star film critic;
Uni, life and radiography prac - W.C. Rontgen Jr;
Sexiest places to live on campus - n/a;
Count Dorku presents…filler - n/a;
Puzzle page;
Trivia page;
Warriahs: Cadaver trip and marhs bush bash ball;
Warriahs: Rural health club report - n/a;
Christian fellowship - Grace;
Hockey ducks - n/a;
Social sports report - Ryan Darnley;
Reddies report - n/a;


Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus student publication


Copyright Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC). Used with permission.

Original Format

Digital Magazine


Editor: Jack Carpenter; Editorial Posse: Rivcoll SRC; Layout and Design: Rivcoll SRC, Jackie Boy, “Hungappa - 2009, Term 2, Week 4,” Charles Sturt University Regional Archives Digital Gallery, accessed January 17, 2025,

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