Photograph of four men standing out the front of Morris and Son's Cooking Stove Factory shopfront, located at 226 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. The signs advertise their ability to provide all kinds of stove fittings, washing coppers, colonial ovens…
Photograph of Moore's Cycle Works, located within The Freemasons Hotel building (later renamed The Tourist Hotel) in Fitzmaurice Street, Wagga Wagga.
The photograph also shows the shopfront of Alfred Lewis and Co., fashionable tailors, mercers and…
Photograph of two unidentified children, with inscription on reverse side: "To dear Grandfather, Aunties and Uncles from Little J?. aged 1 year and 9 months".
Photograph of a group of women and children on board the "Caroola" in Melbourne. The group contains seven women, two boys and one girl from the families Edwards, Townsend, McAlaster, Morrison, Stuart and Edney.
Photograph of Tom Frank and his sister accompanied by four other people, posed in front of a cart pulled by a Brahman cow. The photograph was taken in Colombo, Ceylon (now, Sri Lanka).
Photograph of a group of seven people (two men, four women and a baby) in the backyard of a house. The inscription on the reverse side reads, "Sunday Feb 16 / 1919 by Miss Wright".