Hungappa - 2008, Term 2, Week 2
Hungappa - 2008, Term 2, Week 2
Editor: Heidi Varis; Editorial Posse: Cecelia Steele, Emily Nuck, AJ, Emily Dibbens, Iain Wright, Ryan Darnlet, Micha Lee; Layout & Design: Rivcoll SRC
Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus, NSW
Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC)
From the editor - Heidi;
The basics on cooking/shopping for the kitchen;
1 Corinthians 13;
Why have we put a bible passage on Hungappa? - n/a;
From the President’s desk - Elizabeth Eyles;
Bum’s Up Bum’s Down;
Take a picture it will last longer: Doniuna Lateline;
Poets corner;
Eugene! - Lin Lane;
Now… Back to me: This is Chris’ farewell speech as she left the Mouthtrap on Friday - Chris Chadwick;
Eugene! - Lin Lane;
So you are at university and you are poor - n/a;
The great firewall of China - Stephanie;
The great confetti conspiracy - Alice Liddel;
Cooking tips to save money and time - n/a;
Views and reviews - n/a;
Common cooking terms - n/a;
Your chance to donate blood on campus;
DAW: Drug action week: Poster competition;
Romano’s hotel;
Missing Miss Random - Anadmirer;
What I think of the hill… - n/a;
Retro night: Photos;
Views and reviews - Witty Phantom;
Refraction 2 Part 2 - n/a;
Bushsows netball - Oink Oink;
TV club term one update - Lauren Kilby;
Pharmers report: The pub crawl edition - Amy Minett;
Pharmers ‘Dare to be different’ pub crawl: Photos;
Ag netball report - n/a;
WAC report - Trevor Fosdyke;
Dempsey’s noggin scratchers - n/a;
Hockey ducks - n/a;
W.A.R.R.A.I.A.H.S. club report - Harry and Party Marty;
Visual d.a.m.a.g.e collective - Viv and Annie;
VSA report - n/a;
Social work club report - n/a;
What’s on
The basics on cooking/shopping for the kitchen;
1 Corinthians 13;
Why have we put a bible passage on Hungappa? - n/a;
From the President’s desk - Elizabeth Eyles;
Bum’s Up Bum’s Down;
Take a picture it will last longer: Doniuna Lateline;
Poets corner;
Eugene! - Lin Lane;
Now… Back to me: This is Chris’ farewell speech as she left the Mouthtrap on Friday - Chris Chadwick;
Eugene! - Lin Lane;
So you are at university and you are poor - n/a;
The great firewall of China - Stephanie;
The great confetti conspiracy - Alice Liddel;
Cooking tips to save money and time - n/a;
Views and reviews - n/a;
Common cooking terms - n/a;
Your chance to donate blood on campus;
DAW: Drug action week: Poster competition;
Romano’s hotel;
Missing Miss Random - Anadmirer;
What I think of the hill… - n/a;
Retro night: Photos;
Views and reviews - Witty Phantom;
Refraction 2 Part 2 - n/a;
Bushsows netball - Oink Oink;
TV club term one update - Lauren Kilby;
Pharmers report: The pub crawl edition - Amy Minett;
Pharmers ‘Dare to be different’ pub crawl: Photos;
Ag netball report - n/a;
WAC report - Trevor Fosdyke;
Dempsey’s noggin scratchers - n/a;
Hockey ducks - n/a;
W.A.R.R.A.I.A.H.S. club report - Harry and Party Marty;
Visual d.a.m.a.g.e collective - Viv and Annie;
VSA report - n/a;
Social work club report - n/a;
What’s on
Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus student publication
Copyright Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC). Used with permission.
Original Format
Physical Magazine
Editor: Heidi Varis; Editorial Posse: Cecelia Steele, Emily Nuck, AJ, Emily Dibbens, Iain Wright, Ryan Darnlet, Micha Lee; Layout & Design: Rivcoll SRC , “Hungappa - 2008, Term 2, Week 2,” Charles Sturt University Regional Archives Digital Gallery, accessed February 24, 2025,