Hungappa - 2008, Term 2, Week 3

Hungappa - 2008, Term 2, Week 3.pdf


Hungappa - 2008, Term 2, Week 3




Lord and master: Kai Zauner; Minions: AJ, Layout and Design: Rivcoll SRC




Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus, NSW


Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC)


From the editor: Your lord and master - n/a;
Bum’s Up Bum’s Down;
President’s report: Response to Graffiti Night - Elizabeth Eyles;
So you are at university and you are poor - Tight arse Greg;
Poets corner;
Loud shirt day;
Eugene! - Lin Lane;
Refraction 3 Part 1 - Jagged angel;
A flying issue - Endangered statesman;
Dempsey’s noggin scratchers;
I hate heterosexuals - One non-lesbian;
For your own sakes, grow up uni students - Roger;
DAW: Drug action week: Poster competition;
Are you a cinephile? - Cinema filter;
Eugene! - Lin Lane;
I love trash - Alice Liddel;
Views and reviews - n/a;
Help me, I’m stuck! (An interesting and somewhat true explanation of absence) - Miss random;
Romano’s hotel;
Graffiti night: Photos;
Negative energy life form - Donina Lateline;
Potato pancakes - n/a;
Darwin awards - Darwin devotee;
Jokes page;
From the desk of a seriously pissed off student - Still seriously pissed off;
WTF - The WRF institute;
Favourite recipe competition;
Poets corner;
What would MacGyver do? - R.D.A.;
Positions vacant for student representatives;
Ruddy ideas - Dale Urukalo;
Mental health association NSW;
Some people hang their degrees on the wall - n/a;
The glow stick of death - The high ace;
Rules of procrastination - Procrastinator Extra-ordinaire;
Career decision? - Childless woman;
Skills for success at university;
Your chance to donate blood on campus;
Aus-spin @ Friday unwind;
Strapper or masseuse wanted;
Hello mother-duckers - n/a;
What’s on?


Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga Campus student publication


Copyright Rivcoll Student Representative Council (SRC). Used with permission.

Original Format

Digital Magazine


Lord and master: Kai Zauner; Minions: AJ, Layout and Design: Rivcoll SRC, “Hungappa - 2008, Term 2, Week 3,” Charles Sturt University Regional Archives Digital Gallery, accessed January 12, 2025,

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